27 ways to be a healthier traveler in 2020
Many of us make New Year’s resolutions to travel more. But though the notion of jetsetting is romantic, the logistics of making it happen can be stressful. And the act of traveling can wreak havoc on your body (we’re looking at you, jet lag and bad airline food). So why not add an asterisk to that wanderlust goal by vowing to become a healthier traveler in 2020?
We tapped experts in a number of fields — nutritionists, pro travelers, psychologists, a gastroenterologist and even a former Olympian — for their tips on how to make everything about your travels healthier for your mind and body. Before you book your next trip, keep in mind these strategies for reducing stress, clearing your head and staying nourished, healthy and active. Not only will you feel restored after every trip you take, but you’ll get more out of your travels, too.
Optimize Your Bedroom for Better Sleep in Anxious Times
Between the daily news stories, lack of social interactions, and feelings of isolation, it’s not surprising that many New Yorkers are racked with anxiety right now. And if you have anxiety, you’re probably having trouble sleeping. In fact, 35% of Americans don’t get the recommended seven hours of sleep each night even when there’s not a pandemic, according to the Sleep Foundation. A good night’s rest is one of the best ways to relieve some of that stress, so creating a space that’s optimal for resting is critical. But how do you make your bedroom better for sleep, especially in a small NYC apartment? Here, sleep experts and interior designers give StreetEasy readers their top tips.
Struggling With Naps and Bedtime? This Expert's Sleep-Regression Tips Can Help
Given the uncertainty of the pandemic, it's no surprise that many children are experiencing some form of sleep regression. Although it can be frustrating — and often straight-up exhausting — for parents, it can be remedied with a bit of persistence. Thankfully, Lauren Wolf, a certified infant and child sleep consultant with Lolo Lullaby, gave us some tips to help our little ones get the sleep they need.
Sleep-Training Your Child Amid COVID-19 Will Lead to More Rest For Parents and Baby, Says an Expert
For parents with little kids, the days have really started to blend into each other. Although it seems like families already have full plates, sleep training — aka teaching your child when and how to snooze — amid the COVID-19 pandemic might be a good idea. Lauren Wolf, a Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant with Lolo Lullaby, shared why introducing babies as young as 4 months old to sleep training could be mutually beneficial for children and parents.
The definitive guide to surviving jet lag with your baby
When I decided to take a trip to Portugal with my 10-week-old, I knew all the horror stories of traveling with a baby. If I believed all the horror stories, he was inevitably going to scream through the whole flight, my husband and I would have to limit our sightseeing and I’d have to breastfeed in some strange places and get some strange reactions. Amazingly, none of that happened, though there was a feeding session in a castle, but that was actually pretty cool. The hardest part of vacationing overseas with a newborn? The jet lag.